Our Team


    Senior Research Scientist in Cognitive Neurology, University of Oxford

    I am a senior research scientist in Cognitive Neurology studying how lifestyle and heart health affects the brain and increases the risk of dementia. I am the Imaging Working Group lead for the DEMON Network.


    Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Cellular Neurodegeneration, DPAG, University of Oxford

    I am a senior research scientist studying the molecular mechanisms that cause the loss of neurons in diseases associated with dementia. I develop and implement a range of in vitro models to study patient derived neurons (stem cell based).


    Investigator Scientist, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge

    I am a senior research scientist applying computational models and neuroimaging techniques to study early changes in cognitive functions that occur in neurological disease.


    Associate Consultant, Bain & Company

    I recently joined Bain & Company from McLaren Racing Formula 1 Team after studying Physical Natural Sciences with a Masters in Materials Sciences at the University of Cambridge. I am heavily involved in R&D and failure analyses, but I also contribute to wider engineering groups, such as the cross-departmental Reliability Group (which I helped to establish), Strategy Team and Design Team.


    Director, DEMON Network; Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Digital Health, University of Exeter; Fellow, Alan Turing Institute

    Has extensive experience of dementia research and has published widely (>100 publications, Scopus h-index=42). He has particular expertise in managing large projects, and is Director of the international DEMON Network that has over 1,200 members spread across six continents. He is a Fellow and Clinical Lead at the Alan Turing Institute, the national institute for data science and AI.


    Deputy Director, DEMON Network; Research Fellow in Dementia Prevention and Diagnostics, University of Exeter

    I have expertise in the analysis of large population-based and clinical datasets, including investigation of risk factors and modelling disease outcomes for use in clinical settings. As Deputy Director of the DEMON Network, I coordinate collaborative multi-institution research projects, organise knowledge transfer events and develop strategic partnerships.