

Team building

We put together truly collaborative teams, making the best use of multi-disciplinary, cross-industry expertise and resources. All outputs are credited to the team and not to a single individual, but the output will be such a significant contribution to the advancement of dementia research, that individuals will be rewarded by the prestige of being part of the team. Multiple teams will work on the same question, in order to increase the reliability and reproducibility of the results, so that all teams must produce work that is of the most rigorous standards


Reduce waste

Too much time and money is lost to researchers spending research time writing grants that are rarely funded. Too many researchers are working on the same incremental problems, in an uncoordinated and unreproducible way. We create databases of research ideas and use artificial intelligence to match proposals and researchers with similar ideas and complementary skills sets. We use natural language algorithms to match researchers with similar interests and research methods.

Submit ideas to the platform and be matched to other researchers with similar projects, useful data, and necessary skills, in an intelligent way. Teams working on similar projects can find each other so that they can easily coordinate and harmonise their research questions to reduce wasted resources and to facilitate reproducible research

Reproducible research

All research questions tackled through the platform will require multiple teams to verify the results. The benefit is more robust results that enable genuine progress in dementia research and can be more quickly translated into outcomes for patients. All team outputs will be guaranteed publication through newer research platforms that prioritise rigour and reproducibility in research, such as Octopus and journals with Registered Reports 

Centralised Funding

Centralised funding: Funding bodies/research councils/industry invest directly in our enterprise. There is already acknowledgement in funding bodies that the current academic system is ineffective. 

Industry licensing model: Industry subscriptions allow access to a database of key research questions and researchers willing to answer the questions. Academic and industry partners collaborate in a pre-competitive space to enable the identification of novel targets for disease treatment.

Charitable support: The general public can invest (as a charitable contribution) in specific projects of personal importance to them or invest in the enterprise as a whole.